
Samstag, 14. September 2013

MTC: IN CATILINAM ORATIO I, CAP. 3: An vero vir...(for our English speaking friends)

An vero (Or else; however; nevertheless) vir amplissimus (the most respected man; esteemed man), P. Scipio (Publius Scipio), pontifex maximus (the high priest), Ti. Gracchum (Tiberius Gracchus; accusative case; whom?), mediocriter labefactantem statum reipublicae (sic!) (shaking; moving the state of the republic in an mediocre way; who was shaking...; because he was...although...), privatus interfecit (killed as a private person; i.e. Scipio killed Gracchus); Catilinam (Catilina; accusative) orbem terrae (the terrestrial globe; the whole of the world; acc.) caede atque incendiis (with murder and burnings; fires) vastare cupientem (wanting to devastate; ravage) nos consules perferemus (we the consuls shall bear that; endure that)? Nam (For) illa nimis antiqua (those much too old (incidents; occurrences) praetereo (I pass over; ignore; omit), quod (that) C. Servilius Ahala (Gaius Spurius Ahala) Sp. Maelium (Spurius Maelius; acc.), novis rebus studentem (striving for new (political) conditions=revolution; overthrow, upheaval), manu sua occidit (killed with his own hand). Fuit (It was), fuit (indeed, it was) ista quondam in hac republica virtus (once this virtue in this republic; state), ut viri fortes (that brave men) acrioribus suppliciis (with harder punishments) civem perniciosum (a pernicious citizen; an evil and wicked citizen) quam acerbissimum hostem (than the most bitter and fierce enemy) coercerent (restrained; restricted; subject are the "viri fortes"). Habemus (We have) senatus consultum (a decision of the senate; a resolution; decree) in te (against you), Catilina (C.), vehemens et grave (vehement and grave; hard and important); non deest (it isn't missing; lacking) rei publicae consilium (a decision of the state; a plan) neque (and also not; neither) auctoritas huius ordinis (the authority of this senate); nos (we), nos (only we), dico aperte (I speak frankly), consules (consuls) desumus (are missing; i.e. we don't do our job).-
an vero: elliptic ( was left out); introducing a counter-question: what? Argumentatio ex contrario with "an vero". Cicero prefers this very much. (What? Didn' t kill the highly esteemed...?)
P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica: leader of the senate in 133 BC
mediocriter=only little
labefactare=to cause that wavers; concessive sense
status=state, situation, condition
privatus: he didn't act officially; in contrary to this: nos consules)
(the "sacerdotium" wasn't an office!
orbem terrae vastare: "hyperbolé"; overacted; exaggerated
C. Servilius Ahala: he slayed as a "magister equitum" Sp. Maelius in 439 BC, because he tried to become king!
fuit, fuit: Epanalepse; see Vergil, Aeneis II, 325: fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium (we were Trojans, Troja was; i.e. it doesn't exist any longer)
nos, nos: Epanalepse; introducing an accusation (charge) against themselves
deesse= also: to fail
The old Romans of the republic didn't like compromises (as one can see). Their methods were sometimes a bit rude.

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