Eodem die (On the same day) ab exploratoribus certior factus (informed by his scouts) hostes sub monte consedisse (that the enemy had occupied a position at the foot of a hill) milia passuum ab ipsius castris octo (8000 "double-steps" away from his own camp=8 Roman miles=12 km), qualis esset natura montis (of which kind/ how the nature of the hill was) et qualis in circuitu ascensus (and of which kind the ascent round about (everywhere; from every side)), qui cognoscerent, misit (he send out (men), who should find out this; (to explore).Renuntiatum est facilem esse (It was reported that it was easy;=good going). De tertia vigilia (During the third night-watch=around three o'clock in the morning or between midnight and three o'clock a.m.) T. Labienum, legatum pro praetore (that T. Labienus, a commander in the rank of a "praetor"; his sub-chief), cum duabus legionibus (with two legions) et iis ducibus (and those commanders (leaders), qui iter cognoverant (who had explored the path (way); i.e. who knew it), summum iugum montis ascendere (ascend the ridge of the hill) iubet (he ordered; he ordered that...); quid sui consilii sit (what his plan was; what kind of plan he had), ostendit (he showed them; he explained). Ipse de quarta vigilia (He himself during the 4th night-watch=3-6 o'clock a.m) eodem itinere (on the same way), quo hostes ierant (on which the enemies had marched), ad eos contendit (he marched to those rapidly; advanced (fast, promptly) equitatumque omnem ante se mittit (and sent all his cavalry ahead of him (in advance). P. Considius, (P. C.), qui rei militaris peritissimus habebatur (who was thought to be very experienced in military affairs; things) et in exercitu L. Sullae et postea in M. Crassi fuerat (and who had been in the army of L. Sulla and later in the one of M. Crassus; i.e. he served), cum exploratoribus praemittitur (was sent ahead (in advance) with the scouts).-
by decurio
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